Cyclops Electric Fence Chargers and Energizers Information Hub — Electric Fence News & Information

Most common electric fence grounding issues

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The safest, most economical and effective way to contain your beef cattle is with an electric fence powered with a high quality fence charger. A cow that encounters an electric fence receives one pulse of electricity per second, providing the fence has been effectively grounded. An electric pulse occurs when the cow comes in contact with both the ground and the wire. When this happens the circuit is complete and the cow receives an electrical shock. Without effective grounding the circuit cannot be complete and the fence becomes ineffective as a method of containing cattle or keeping out predators. “For...

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We are the premier source for Electric Fence Chargers and Energizers

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Just getting back to work after a long weekend where many people had major storms. It seems we get calls for new electric fence chargers on Mondays. The most hit and with issues or problems with their electric fencers seems like Kentucky and Florida. We sell many brands of fencers, like speedrite, patriot, gallagher, parmak, stafix, and a few of the cheaper units like dare or zareba now and then. We never have issues with the Cyclops energizers we sell. In fact, we replace the older units that have been fried with cyclops electric fence chargers. It seems to make sense that the...

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Are you ready to weigh cattle?

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  Using electronic scales to track weight gain efficiency not only takes some of the guesswork out of raising cattle by having a better handle on growth rates, but it can also make beef producers potentially more profitable and efficient. To ensure you are getting the most out of your livestock scales, keep in mind the following tips: 1. Determine goals and sorting guidelines Consider how you will use your weight data. In order for a livestock scale to be effective, a goal must be determined to assess why you are weighing. Common goals of weighing livestock include: Achieve correct dosage...

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Patience is a virtue that I want right now

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I was told as a kid never to pray for patience, because if you get it, you will surely have opportunity to use it. When last I wrote about some traits indicating the transition from cowboy to cowman, patience was omitted, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t important. Patience seems to accumulate with age, wisdom and opportunities to practice it. Yesterday morning as I was trailing some pairs with young calves from one pasture to the next, I remembered my old college professor Ray Ansotequi making the statement that “patience is a virtue we all want right now.” Any of...

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Basic Electric Fence Grazing Practises, How and Why they Work

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Electric fencing has revolutionized pasture management techniques meaning better profitability for farmers. Permanent or portable systems are used to subdivide pastures for more effective grazing, keeping the grass fresh, short, high energy and palatable which ultimately leads to increased milk and meat production. " Electric fencing revolutionized pasture management techniques meaning better profitability for farmers" ​Rotational/controlled/managed grazing Gallagher advises this method as the best way to achieve optimum pasture yield as part of the milk/meat production process. This involves grazing paddocks in rotation using a combination of permanent and/or temporarily fenced grazing areas. Key Benefits Effective - maximise results potential...

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