We are the premier source for Electric Fence Chargers and Energizers
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Just getting back to work after a long weekend where many people had major storms. It seems we get calls for new electric fence chargers on Mondays. The most hit and with issues or problems with their electric fencers seems like Kentucky and Florida.
We sell many brands of fencers, like speedrite, patriot, gallagher, parmak, stafix, and a few of the cheaper units like dare or zareba now and then.
We never have issues with the Cyclops energizers we sell. In fact, we replace the older units that have been fried with cyclops electric fence chargers. It seems to make sense that the lightning protection pays for itself during a storm.
Remember, when you get a lightning strike, give us a call for a new CYCLOPS FENCER. Your other model that was hit can be probably be repaired. I say keep it for a back up, if you ever do have issues, but it will probably collect dust.