Conservation Technical Assistance Other grazing practices by EQIP

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Managed grazing assistance available from USDA-NRCS

Agricultural Conservation Easement Program Environmental Quality Incentives Program ACEP provides financial assistance to eligible partners for EQIP provides technical and financial assistance to ag-purchasing Agricultural Land Easements that protect the ricultural producers in order to address natural resouce agricultural use and conservation values of eligible land. In concerns and deliver environmental benefits through the case of working farms, the program helps farmers keep conservation practices or activities. NRCS will help eligible their land in agriculture. participants develop an EQIP plan of operations and, once implemented, payments will be made. Conservation Stewardship Program (CSP) For example: After implementing the NRCS Prescribed CSP is available in selected watersheds throughout Grazing practice, farmers recieve a flat rate payment. This the state. This program rewards good stewards by practice involves creating a grazing plan, with the help of awarding incentive payments on practices that have NRCS, that considers the resources on the farm and the been established and maintained as a part of a con- landowner’s goals and provides the steps to follow the servation plan in previous years. 

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Conservation Technical Assistance Other grazing practices covered by EQIP:

This FREE assistance does not provide cost sharing for prac- tices, but it does give the famer a great tool for successful • Fencing • Water Well grazing. The NRCS provides technical personnel trained • Watering Facility • Water Control to develop grazing plans, give suggestions, and help pro- • Pipeline Structures ducers with their questions. Grazing land specialists are • Trails and Walkways • Roof Runoff Structures available upon request to the Field Office (FO), while FO • Heavy Use Area • Access Control personnel are available to visit and discuss any questions • Forage Harvest • Livestock Shelter about NRCS programs that you may have. Assistance in- Management Structure cludes stocking rate calculations, seeding recommenda- • Riparian Herbaceous • Prescribed Burning tions, fencing and water system designs, dry matter intake Buffer • Feed Management assessment, and others. For technical assistance, just call, • Riparian Forest Buffer • Forage and Biomass email, or visit any NRCS office! • Stream Crossing Planting • Grassed Waterway • Brush Management • Spring Development • Pumping Plant 

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